Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Interview Questions

What are your intententions if hired?
A- Do you intend on receiving experience here and then leaving?
B- Do you see a future for yourself here? If so will you make your career with us?

If a promotion calls for it, are you capable and willing to move?

The Continuation of Technology

What is change? Change is a constant! However, the ability to change is based on the leadership of many in the organization. In order to be better prepared for change, learning should also become a constant within the organization. How can this be accomplished? Will this interfere with production and service delivery of our organization? With regarding change, go to the article Personal Learning Environments and click on the PLE. This gives you the history of PLE. By viewing the years and technological changes within those years, we can see that many things have changed, and they will continue to change. The best answer is at our finger tips. Really it is true. One word says it all, “TECHNOLOGY”. The world is at our finger tips through the use of the personal computer, (PC). Let me rephrase that, it is for people who understand modern technology. Meaning, take the time to learn the technology and then pass it on to your organization. Again, how can this be accomplished? By being involved and understanding web 2.0 learning. This involves the use of socialized web sites. The computer has made it possible for people to share everything from stories, recipes, and experiences to education. This is a huge development to the academic community. This is a type of social collaboration and is very active in all parts of the world. An individual can set up and control their learning. Online class to me is an early type of web 2.0 learning. One can still work and educate themselves with relative ease. In regards to the one article, from Ingo Blees and Marc Rittberger, German Institute for International Educational Research, the learning environment is like a portal. The online classes that I have had involve participation between the students and the teacher. Depending on several factors the class can be good or bad. I suggest that put forth your best effort, do your work, ask questions, and you will get out of your experience what you put into it. What I enjoyed was the participation by the instructor in the discussion questions, the resources they brought, suggestions, and their combine contributions. I was once very negative about the new technology, (Computers), now I cannot imagine going a single day with using one. This is why I truly believe that we must adapt to change because change is a constant! Web 2.0 Learning Environment: Concept, Implementation, Evaluation - Similar Web 2.0 Environments Support to the Web Learning Community - Similar by X Fan - All 5 versions Personal Learning Environments - Cached - Similar Web 2.0 Learning Environment: The article covers the concept, implimentation, and evaluates web 2.o learning environment. tags: no_tag Web 2.0 Environment's Support to the Web Learning Community If you have ever wanted support for web learning, you have found it. tags: no_tag Personal Learning Environment This systems helps you to take control and manage your own learning.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bridging the Generation Gap at Work

  • Finally! There is help on how to overcome the generation gap in the workplace and managing generational differences that are a natural part of the cross-generational workforce. In this seminar, participants learn interpersonal skills to overcome generational differences that can create miscommunication and conflict within the cross-generational team and the entire workplace. Alliance Training and Consulting, Inc.

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  • The diversity in generations in the workplace can become a huge problem if you let it. However, by researching the generation gaps, and fostering a strategic plan, these gaps can be overcomed and progress can be made.

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  • A very good article to give us insight in the mix of generations in the workplace.

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Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Mixing and Managing Four Generations of People

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Home Work for July 8, 2009

Discussion Items (Page 200) 1: What is the importance to an administrative professional of managing the flow of records throughout the company? What effect have HIPAA rules had on records management? Efficient record keeping has been in use since before the Roman Empire emerged. Record keeping is a vital key to an organization, but an even more important aspect is the fluent flow of the records. Convince of file retrieval should be a top priority. Knowing exactly where a file is saves time, and time is money. Having and maintaining an efficient storage system is of the utmost importance. Manual Storage  Manual Alphabetic File  Manual Subject file  Three-Level Subject Index  Manual Graphic File  Manual Numeric File Manual Filing Procedures  Inspecting  Indexing  Coding Database Cycle HIPPA has had a tremendous impact on record keeping. The file must be kept very private with only authorized access to them. This means that the security level for accessing these files must be built up and maintained. The record keepers must continue further training in order to keep up with the demand of record privacy. 2: Explain what it means to have a systematic approach to records management. A systematic approach system is one that controls the record concept from conception to infinity. Having a record system for filing documents, for example, in a safe place, yet with quick access is a very productive and efficient method of handling and storing documents. 3: Compare the capacities of the different electronic external storage media and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. Paper Records Advantages  They require no power  Manual systems are small  Key operated safety device  Infrared photoelectric beam  Badge swipe identification Disadvantages  Crank Operated Electronic Records  Provide electronic storage and retrieval  Serve as an access device for scanned and electronically generated documents.  Maintain records inventories.  Retrieve documents stored electronically.  Stored records retention and destruction data. 4: What is the future of paper records and what impact, if any, will this have on the responsibilities of an administrative professionals? Even though electronic systems can and does save money, I feel that paper will be part of the record process for some time. Although the amount of paper that was used has been decreased, the need for hard copies (paper) still exists. Most doctor offices have a paper file on their patients. Many organizations follow this lead. For storing records, paper cannot compete especially when we are talking space. As new innovations and electronic creations continue to appear, the paper records will dwindle down quite dramatically. 5: List and explain the steps for effective decision making as it applies to the records management function.  Making the right decision: This requires a little brain storming and imagination. You need to ask yourself many questions about how important the document is to help access the order and style of filing it. Imagine if the document was yours and someone else was filing it; how would you want it filed?  Paper & Electronic: In some instances you will need to have a paper and an electronic file of certain documents. You should set up certain criteria’s for these certain occasions. In many types of businesses and organizations, the working file may be only paper, but sometimes will include electronic files. For years doctor offices and dentist offices have relied on a paper filing system for the patient’s files. However, over the years these offices are evolving towards the electronic filing systems.  Think ahead: Change is a constant. Try to imagine issues that5 may arise in filing records and come up with thoughts and possible solutions. When you do this, it is much easier to handle a problem and you are able to do it with less stress.  How will the document be asked for again: Many documents are asked to be sent electronically. However there are occasions where a paper file will be needed. You need to evaluate the many different types of files and react to them accordingly. In most cases you can and will be able to develop your own system.  How often will the document be required: Depending on the frequency the document will be asked for will help you in determining how to exactly file the document. A document that is needed on a daily basis will be better off filed electronically for ease of use.  What will be the time frame for accessing it from the files: Files that need to be pulled on a moment’s notice will need to be accessible very easily. Strategies that I will employ Leadership: 1st: Lead by example. How can you expect someone to follow you if you will not do what you ask them to do? This, in my opinion is one of, if not the moist powerful leadership trait there is. 2nd: Confidence. This trait can become a doubled edge sword if you let it. Meaning, it takes confidence to lead, but becoming over confident can lead to arrogance, and eventually failure. 3rd: Enthusiasm. To motivate it helps to be motivated. Asking your employees to do a hard task and then saying, “I know you will fail”, will most likely cause them to fail. So always use encouragement and inspire those who work for you. Teams: When leading a team, one may get the impression that they are being a parent. A team may have a few spit and sputters, and the way the team leader handles the bump will help direct the team in a certain direction. As a leader, I will try and always lead with honesty and integrity. I will be fair and support all of the team members equally. There are five stages to team building, which are listed below.  Forming This is where the team is selected and put together.  Storming This is where a power struggle for leadership may occur.  Norming Things are starting to shape up and task are being handed out.  Performing The team is actually functioning, and hopefully progress is being made.  Adjourning The team has completed their assigned task and are debrief and the team is dissolving. Rewards and Recognition: Money and awards do stimulate employees, but I believe in a reward program that delivers true and honest respect. Rewarding a person with material and monetary things will inspire them, but I feel that a person’s heart will not be totally on board. Meaning, a person should already be trying their best, and an appreciation should be given, I just do not believe that a person should be bribed to do the work that they were hired to. They should be encouraged to accomplish the objectives. Workplace Culture: A: Training B: A monthly report from each department, explain the corporate culture;  Good  Bad  Improving  We need to change the corporate culture environment C. Brainstorming parties which include everyone-Lunch “Pizza”, etc…

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Creativity & Innovation

Change is a constant. This being said, we all need to understand and utilize creativity and innovation. If though this may sound silly, but I beleive that creativity and innovation can be used to generate more and updated creativity and innovation. To help everyone understand my thought, please check out these webites.

LEAPFROG Innovations

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Electronic Portfolios

Electronic portfolio' are an essential marketing tool for the job seeker. The area in which your portfolio can reach is endless. Because potential employers can review who you are, your education, expeience and samples of your works at their own convince, they can take in the information more deeper and clearer. With this in mind I have posted some articles to help you learn about portfolios and how to establish them online. When thios tool is used proper, the opportunites may be many. Clyde

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

How to Create A Better Online Portfolio | Articles | instantShift

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Online Advantage

The Online Advantage Technology has given many the world at their finger tips. Hospitals, police departments, schools, the military and many more organizations have achieved extremely high goals thanks to the use of electronically technology. But the advantages do not stop there. In reality, there are so many electronically technology advances that it would take a great deal of time to list them all, but I do want to cover a couple of them. With the bad economy these are two advances that everyone looking for a job should be taking advantage of. The first is “How to create a better online portfolio”. Why is this so important? Simple; it reaches millions of people. A potential employer can in reality shop for an employee from their desktop. Instead of hundreds of applications and several interviews, the employer can pull selected individuals that they have already screened via the electronic portfolio. I have found a few articles that covers online portfolio’s online resumes. I will book mark them for all to see. The following is part of the article titled, How to Create ABetter Omline Portfolio 12. Try making Multiple Portfolios I can count you number of reasons that why you need to have multiple portfolio at once. The web gives you the possibility of creating multiple portfolios. If you work in several distinct markets, it’s always good to create different portfolios with different URLs that present each area of your work. They are often useful for targeted market for specific projects. You have freedom to choose which portfolio suites you best for the job you want yourself to get hired for. There are many online services which gives you facility to create your portfolio online on their server. The best once are mentioned below. Behance Network Deviant Art Coroflot Portfolios CPULuv Flickr Carbonmade DesignTaxi (Anders Ross) There is a significant information online. I hope you enjoy these articles and many more. Clyde Reference Ross, Anders. How to Create A Better Online Portfolio. Retrieved June 3, 2009 from:

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My Thoughts

I am a business student, and I totally ubderstand how important communication is. Technology has brought on new definitions of communication and the speed in which tasks are accomplished. One of the key elements to advancing technology, is sharing what we have learned with others.
With the use of the internet, anyone who has access to it can communicate internationaly. What does this mean? It means advances in information, and in tern, adavances on accomplishments. By sharing, we are giving support, knowledge and encouragement for future technology.


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Workplace Information Literacy

  • In this age of technology, there are thousands of tools and advantages that we can take advantage of. One of the best ways to do this is by sharing tools, technology , experiences, and lessons learned. this website does exactly that. Working smarter and not harder is good common sense. Clyde

    tags: no_tag

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

pdf document

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Develop a Business Reputation

  • Networking is an important key to an organizations survial. However, it is also agreat asset to possess when trying to obtain the job you have been working hard to obtain. In either circumstance, networking is a flexible asset that will enhance you and your organization simutanously.

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  • Your reputation can either help you excell, standstill, opr fall. But a good reputation can fall if you do no live up to your reputation. In other words, be honest in your profile and in the content of your information. For one , do not palgerize. If the material is not your's, then citre it. Integrity in life is a great asset to possess.

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Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Workplace Do's & Don'ts

Proper workplace performance is more important than ever. With thousand of people out of work, organizations have an over abundace of workers to chose from. With this being said, no one should take their bosses for grant, especially when it comes to behavior.

Two important issues are; punctuallity and personal days & sick time. All people have pet peaves. I had a boss that did not care if you were one minute late even if there was a blizzard. He said, "you should have planned for it". Although I did not agree with him when it came to inclimate weather, I did however understand that organizations cannot function at 100% if their people do not come into work.

Because the world is gtting smaller everyday because of technology, business people should be aware of international eitquettecy. Because many countries hav different diversity and cultural backgrounds, organizations can loose an international company very quickly. An example is the big three auto makers have been embaraced when they found out that the name of one of their products had a different meaning in another country.

Also because we can use Linked-In as a working tool, we should take a look at some of their do's and Don'ts.

Do's and Don'ts in the Workplace (part I)

Do's and Don'ts in the Workplace (part I)

Author: Cached

Workplace Do's and Don'ts - Work Etiquette (UK)
... at work in terms of what's expected of you and what you should and shouldn't do if you ... Workplace Do's and Don'ts. Workplaces can differ in every sense. - Cached

Top Ten Linked-In Do's and Don'ts
... speaker on workplace, work/life, leadership, and women in the workplace topics. ... Ryan, Liz "Top Ten Linked-In Do's and Don'ts. - 63k - Cached

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Blog Identity

Hi Everyone
What is a person? Ineresting question. But for this disscusion, Identity is the person who you are. What does this mean? Wel for one, you can come off being smart, silly, arrogant, fun, caring and many other different describtions.
Depebding on the purpose of one intetions will help govern the way one acts.
If you are using a blog on a professional level, such as for looking for a job placement, than rude and unappropriate behavior should be avoided.

But another aspect of your identity is to protect it. One must interupt what the others are saying and then decide can they be trusted. Even if they can be trusted, certainly there are others that can not be trusted.
I have found two articles, one for each topic that I posted. I hope you enjoy them.
Clyde -identity/

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Change, Willit happen Again?

As with the sands of time, the howling wind, and age things change, becausechange is a constant. It may be a significant difference or an tiny difference, but change is change. In the late 1920' and in the early 1930's, the world was suffering from the Great Depression. The question is, why are we experiencing a similar situation now? Times changed after the 30's and lifestyles improved, so why are we going backwards?

Because change is a constant, life can go forward, backwards, sideways, and yes up or down. We may have learned from our mistakes, but change can teach us a new lesson. The change that we are experiencing now is not perminate, but it is tough. So why did it happen? Well if you ask five people you will probablly get five different answers.

During these difficult times we need to be adaptable. By working through this we can overcome most if not all obstacles. The trick is to never give up. Why? Because we cannot fail or succeed without effort, when we give up, future opportunities are lost.


Work Place Performance

Hello everyone. In these trying times work place performance is more important than ever.

In this failing economy, many employees are being let go for a variety of reasons. One targeted sector are employees that have made a career out of being a slacker. To me a slacker is an individual that displays no work ethic or pride. Their main goal is to accomplish as little as possible and have their bosses belief that they all by themselves just moved a mountain.Everyone should keep in mind that the employer has eyes all over. Spies, well yes, in a way. The security cammeras will catch more than a boss can patrolling the work area.

The question is, is it ethical? I would definitely say yes. Keep in mind, that even though the restrooms would be a great place for goofing off, cameras "Should not be in place as this is a definiate violation of Privacy."There are some fileds that may be more dependable employment, such as the medical field, but again maybe not. Michigan has intentions on laying off several State Troopers and other public services in order to balance the budget. My advice would be to do the best job that you are capable of doing, not only now, but always. To have and use good morales, values, ethics, and honesty is always a great policy.Clyde

Please see my summary and other resources on this topic: Dealing with a failing economy (In the work place)
